Ryder, The NYC Horse...

Lauren Breuer
De Ry'Ho

Tuesday, October 18, 2022, I decided to go to my first vigil. I am an active animal advocate, but I take action in different ways. I like to work with the law and propose amendments to save animals. But I also have never had a vigil located so close to me, so this was a perfect opportunity.

For those of you who do not know. Ryder was a carriage horse in NYC. He was ill looking, and completely collapsed on the NYC street corner of 45th and 9th avenue.


His owner tried to get him up by whipping him, but Ryder rolled onto his side, and was completely out. It was clear that we was malnourished, dehydrated and just worn to the bone. You could see his ribs, and his spine very prominently, which is unforgivable. 

You know when you faint, and you just need to lay there for some time? Well, it was clear that Ryder needed that as well, but he needed much more. Policemen came to cool him off and spray him with hoses hoping to relieve some of the heat. Ryder laid there for a while…and anyone who isn’t a vet could clearly see that Ryder was not okay. He eventually stood up, but he was not well. 

For someone to faint, there is always an underlying reason, especially with the evidence of lack of care and proper feeding. This was a shock, and final wake up call for the city. 

We are in the 21st century, why are we still using horses for touristic purposes? Had Ryder not been forced to hull large amounts of bodies per day, perhaps he would have lived longer and happier. 

Ryder died on October 16, 2022. 

At the vigil we honored him by speaking about the injustices animals face and how cities, and people continue to fund these horrible practices. We had a moment of silence to remember his beautiful soul. Councilman Holden supports the action of passing Intro 573 to get horses off the streets in New York. 

I wish Ryder didn’t go the way that he did, but he helped bring attention to his friends and family who are on the streets and has left an impact with an initiative. Thank you Ryder for your strength and love, you will be missed by so many, and we will not stop until this ends.

As for the politicians in charge of changing this, your thank you note will come in the mail once something is done to change this. 

So many people have come together in support of this, that it will be insane for there not to be a successful outcome. If you are ever in New York City, visiting or living, remember to never support this cruel practice. You don’t have to love animals to recognize the apparent abuse that takes place. Animals are not our to abuse and/or torture, this is their planet too, and co-existing is not a option, it’s a requirement. 

In loving memory of Ryder, the Amazing, Strong Horse of New York.