Your Artist, Your Choice

Lauren Breuer
De Mus'Cho

Do you ever think of the lifestyle or eating habits of your favorite artists? What culture are they from? What they eat? Who they wear, etc.? 

It’s interesting because it’s not a common thought. 

From an ethical standpoint, if your favorite artist posts on social media about their favorite meal and their favorite dish, and you buy their album and listen to the songs…


Do you believe that you are supporting their lifestyle? 

I mean, when we support any artist, our money becomes theirs, and then they can do what they please. It is also a form of business. So, taking the artist who loves eating steak, and you – a vegan or conscience consumer who doesn’t – when you buy their album, you are supporting their meat-eating lifestyle.

Now I am not trying to make life seem impossible, and I am also not trying to tell you to stop listening to music, but I just want to inform you of the in-depth path

that your decisions have. Every aspect of your life impacts others and is not just with what you consume. 

Although the music itself, may not be tested on animals, the people making and manufacturing the beats and rhythms, vocals etc., may be buying products that are. There may be contracts between companies that involve funding and trade offs, that may include harming animals. This isn’t just in the music industry, of course, it’s everywhere, but the music industry is a very subconscious industry

with fans, and is very aesthetically centered so if people like the look, or sound, they purchase the music. 

Being able to separate the your desires from your purchases is not difficult when you know and see who suffers. 

Music is such a beautiful thing that brings all forms of life together, so it is a must that we honor it’s contribution to us, and take note on who and what we support. Enjoy the music, and save animals.