A Favorite Childhood Snack

Lauren Breuer
De Fav'Sna

I think we can all relate to this snack right here. This was one of my favorites growing up. I am a chocolate girl, but that vanilla icing was my favorite, I looked forward to lunch every day at school because of it. This was way before I knew or cared about what I ate. 

Did you know that there is milk in this icing? Yep! “Non-Fat” milk, what does that even mean? 

Non-fat milk is when they remove most of the fat from the milk. Usually if one were to drink regular milk, that would contain more nutrients (needed to grow a baby cow, not a human), and no removal of anything.When milk is of discussion, it is overlooked that it is in fact unnatural. Mass production of living beings (cows) is unnatural and the way they are hooked up to machinery is unnatural. The process of making milk in such a way that it is ready to be sold to people is unnatural.


Cows only produce milk if they are pregnant, period. They are artificially inseminated, and have their baby(ies) taken away or “weened off” so we can drink their milk. It doesn’t quite make sense, right? Imagine going through a nine month pregnancy, and having your breasts hooked up to a draining machine all day, leaving none for your baby. This is common practice in the dairy industry and something that we are not told about.

People claim to be “lactose intolerant” but in fact, the answer is simpler than that, they are just not baby cows. Cow’s milk is not made for human consumption. We are the only species on this planet, that drinks milk past infancy. Would you drink your mom’s milk now? Hmmm… think about it…

Getting back to the snack though, Dunkaroos are fun and should be enjoyed, but not only do they contain non-fat milk, but they are also owned by General Mills. 

What does General Mills have to do with anything? Well, another fun fact is that General Mills allows animal testing where governmental agencies require

it to demonstrate safety or quality. And not only that, but they also follow “animal welfare guidelines.” Sadly though, those guidelines are very poor and lack humanity. There have been undercover investigations proving the lack of care and humane treatment stated in these acts. I have researched this topic for quite some time, but have attached some links for your reference should you want to look further! 🙂 

Here are a couple of links: 

So yes, anytime you buy a General Mills product, or dairy for that matter, you are supporting the sexual abuse of animals. It is important to be comfortable with being uncomfortable in the sense of this terminology too, because sometimes this words can be very strong for some individuals and they may disagree with them, but unfortunately, these are facts. 

Now, I am not saying that every single cow is the universe is mistreated, but those happy cows 

and grand pastures you see on products are not real. Let’s zoom out, think about the world population, do you think we could realistically produce enough milk for every country, state, city, person, by letting cows graze freely, with no mass production or overcrowding? It’s unfortunate, but marketing is the key to profit, and there are some very intelligent marketers convincing you at the point of purchase. 

As always, when it comes to anything, I encourage you to be curious. Question the societal “norm” and don’t accept the phrase “that’s the way it has always been.” 🙂 Challenge yourself to think outside the box, because we all hold power, and changing one decision every day can make a HUGE impact.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me, I would love to hear from you! If you have any products you want to know more about, I will gladly do some research and get back to you if I don’t know. 

Thank you so much for your support. I truly appreciate it. 


Screenshot from the General Mills Website, 2023