Another Mother

Lauren Breuer
De Anu'Mot

Society has brainwashed us into thinking right from wrong. We all have a different opinion of what is moral and immoral, but when it comes down to the ethical standing of a situation, there is ultimately the “right” or “wrong” decision.

Growing up as a kid, did you drink milk? I did. I also went to farms to see the cows too. I didn’t put two and two together, and I didn’t understand how or why we took the milk from another mother.

The way I thought milk was obtained was through a simple, and painless process. My brain didn’t grasp the 


fact that cows weren’t only providing for my family, but for the entire world – not by choice.

When we dissect this, we, as humans, only drink breast milk when we are babies. We stop once we grow to be a certain age. So, why are we drinking another animal’s breast milk? That question right there brings up the fact that it is completely unnecessary – and inhumane. What has intrigued humans to continue such a practice where they exploit, and forcibly impregnate another being?

For those of you who don’t know, cows only produce milk when they are pregnant.

So put yourself in a cow’s poisiton right now. Imagine you just had a baby, people milked you dry for their species, not your baby, and then because you can’t produce more milk, they forcibly impregnate you. Like, what? How does that make any sense?

Now, you can argue against all of this and claim that humans are at the top of the food chain, but that doesn’t heal the inhumane conditions and practices done to attain another beings’ bodily fluids.

You don’t have to love animals to recognize that this is wrong.

We must stop running

away from the facts and start listening to what is being done around us. Stop being one in the crowd and start standing up for those who don’t have a voice. Animals don’t speak English, Latin, Hindi, or Chinese, but they do communicate with one another and that is a cold fact.

Just be freaking kind, and don’t support the exploitation of animals. Eat smart, eat wise.