Miami Razors
Lauren Breuer
De Ma'Rau
After taking a trip to Miami last year, I arrived at the hotel, realizing that I forgot my razor! Now, the average person wouldn’t be freaking out about this, they would simply go to CVS and buy a new one, right? Well, not me! I need cruelty-free brands in which CVS does not carry… This was extremely frustrating because I needed a razor, but I couldn’t find one that was 100% cruelty-free.
They had Schick and Gilette, etc., and nothing like Preserve, Bambaw (just to name a few – Bambaw is the best razor I have ever used (Cruelty-Free) and is so cost-efficient. The initial buy is a little more expensive than the disposable ones, however, once you buy that and the blade refills, you are good for up to a year+!))
This is the constant struggle I find myself in with buying products over the years. When I want to buy (typically a cosmetic-based product) the product itself doesn’t convey information about the company, nor does its website. So I search every place on Google where most of the time, I do not find out if the company IS or IS NOT cruelty-free.
The thing is, is that this process is not only time-consuming, but you aren’t always guaranteed the correct answers.
There are false claims made left and right, and if there is not a particularly mainstream company that certifies all of the products in the world, who are you to believe?
I stress the cruelty-free LIFESTYLE; how everything you do, affects others, and oftentimes we subconsciously purchase products that go against our values, simply because we are not aware/educated on it. My research is mainly based on direct communication with the companies and certifications expressed from the companies themselves or certification companies such as PETA, Cruelty Free Kitty, Cruelty Free International, Physicians Committee of Responsible Medicine, etc.
Join me on my mission into making the world cruelty-free, and helping others grasp the knowledge they did not know before.
Thank you for reading as always, and stay tuned for more information on products and companies to help you live, Cruelty-Free.
If you want to join the mission, contact me by clicking the button (on the Home Page) “Advocate here!”
P.S. – Bambaw Razors come in different colors!